Monday, December 8, 2014

Meet the Blogger

Regarding to my final project in college to get my scholar title, i use to interview some readers of fashion blogger. As a communication student with ads & marcomm major, i should put something related with my major. So i decide to pick "Reader Response about Advertising in Fashion Blogs (Descriptive Qualitative Research Reader Response about Advertising in Afternoon Tea & Living Room blog). In my case, the readers who i want to interview with, are also blogger. The reason i choose them all is because the active reader who put more attention to a blog is also a blogger which doing 'blog walking' and usually they know more about blogsphere.

And here is some pics of me and my research subject :

Indah Purnamasari from Outfit Of My Day

Chintya Dewi form Daily Life (sorry for the blur pic)

Ade Kurnianingrum from This is Real and This is Me

Ersa Adiprasetra from Hey Echa !

Deyna Al Dila from im the only deyn you know (again, sorry for the blur pic)

Glad to met them all because i learn more about fashion blogging, got more friends with same hobbies as well. :)
So, i wish i can met them again not only as a interviewer but also as their friend for sure :)
Thank you a lot guys for your help.

Much love,

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Yellow, Color of Forgiveness

When a friend of mine give me #30DaysChallenge on Path, and the 5th day topic was about something yellow. Then i remember my fave movie that released in 2006 with Amarillys Campos (Roselyn Sànchez) as the main character. One thing that touched my heart is about the yellow poem, i dont know why i just love it..

Yellow, Color of Forgiveness

Pray for me and i'll pray for you
pray for the wicked and the evil, too.
Pray for the genius and the not so smart
who with their smiles still touch our hearts.
Pray for those who would destroy
all the baby girls and all the baby boys
with their evil toys.
Pray for the robber, pray for the thief
pray for the loss of our belief.
Pray for those who can no longer pray
pray for the loss of another day
My mother and my father
have gone from here
others I've loved from yesteryear
as I grow old and move toward sleep
releasing pains I've held so deep
deeper than the soul's regret
memories I've yet to forget
O hope, my love, don't leave me yet
your lips speak softly of the light
as I move humbly into night

form the book
Colors by Miles Emory

This post wouldn't complete without the movie trailer of Yellow (2006)

I am really into this movie. May you say that this movie a bit feminist, but that what i love. Woman should give her best to reach her dreams, woman should not give up her passion only for a man. There always be something to sacrifice when you are facing your future. It's your choice, but you girls don't get rid of your dreams easily :) Fight for it..

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Upcoming Event

You guys should take a note of this upcoming cheerleaders event. It would be the biggest competition in this year as known as The A Team Cheerleading Championship 2014. Let's join us fellas ;)


Thursday, May 15, 2014

Bagi Calon Pemimpin Negeri

Liriknya cantik, barisnya menarik. Cukup tajam walau ia hanya diam. Puisi ini diciptakan oleh Taufiq Ismail untuk memperingati hari ulang tahun Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono yang ke 62 yang jatuh pada tanggal  9 September 2011. 

Mendengar puisi ini dalam sebuah tv show comedy di salah satu stasiun tv swasta. Dan aku berminat mencari versi lengkapnya untuk dicatatkan dalam jurnal pribadi ini. Tak mudah ditemukan hingga aku menjumpainya dalam catatan jelajah sebuah langkah kecil milik bu Tatty Elmir. Terima kasih bu :)

Tergugah mengutip puisi ini, dengan harapan tidak ada lagi puisi sindiran yang diberikan oleh bapak Taufiq Ismail saat pemimpin selanjutnya berulang tahun. 

Menghormati Hari Jadi Presiden Republik Indonesia

Adalah suatu kehormatan
Saya diminta oleh TV One
Agar sebuah puisi pagi ini dibacakan
Sangat istimewa, karena kepada siapa ini ditujukan.
Kepada saudaraku Presiden Republik Indonesia
Selamat hari jadi hari ini
Semoga dalam mengemban tugas sangat berat ini
Anda dalam kesehatan dan dianugerahi kekuatan
Karena sepanjang sejarah negara kita
Belum pernah ruwetnya masalah yang membelit bangsa
Seruwet sekarang ini.
Perkenankan saya di awal puisi ini
Sama berbagi apa yang sudah sama kita ketahui.
Kita hidup di sebuah zaman ketika uang dipuja-puja sebagai Tuhan
Dengan uang hubungan antar manusia diukur dan ditentukan
Ketika mobil, tanah, deposito, relasi dan kepangkatan
Ketika politik, ideologi, kekuasaan disembah sebagai Tuhan
Ketika dominasi materi menggantikan Tuhan
Sehingga di negeri ini tak jelas lagi batas antara halal dan haram
Seperti membedakan warna benang putih dan benang hitam
Di hutan kelam
Jam satu malam
Ketika 17 dari 33 Gubernur jadi tersangka
52 persen banyaknya
Ketika 147 dari 473 Bupati dan Walikota jadi tersangka
36 persen jumlahnya
Ketika 27 dari 50 anggota Komisi Anggaran DPR ditahan
62 persen jumlahnya
Ketika sogok menyogok dari barat ke timur menjadi satu
Pelaku bisnis menyuap ke kanan dan ke kiri
Mengantar komisi kesana dan kemari
Eksekutif, legislatif, yudikatif dan bisnis banyak menjadi garong berdasi
Walau masih ada yang jujur, tapi jumlahnya sedikit sekali
Ketika hakim, jaksa, polisi, dan pengacara sedikit yang bisa dipercaya
Ketika keputusan pengadilan blak-blakan diperjual-belikan
Begitu banyak hakim, ha-a-ka-i-em, bila dipanjangkan
Hubungi - aku - kalau - ingin - menang *)
Begitu banyak jaksa, je-a-ka-es-a, bila dipanjangkan
Jajaki - aku - kalau - sesuai - anggarannya
Begitu banyak polisi, pe-o-el-i-es-i, bila dipanjangkan
Percayalah - obyekan - licin - ini - sukses - implementasinya
Inilah dia zaman, betapa susah kita berjumpa kejujuran.
Saudaraku Presiden Republik Indonesia
 Kita hidup di zaman ketika perilaku bangsa mulai berubah
Sedikit-sedikit tersinggung, teracung kepalan dan marah-marah
Lalu merusak, membakar dan menumpahkan darah
Menggoyang-goyangkan pagar besi hingga rebah
Berteriak dengan kata-kata sumpah serapah
Sungguh sirna citra bangsa yang ramah tamah. 
Ini terjadi sesudah benungan besar roboh satu dasawarsa silam
Reformasi yang membawa perubahan politik kenegaraan
Tapi berhanyutan pula nilai-nilai luhur luar biasa tinggi harganya
Nilai keimanan, kejujuran, rasa malu, kerja keras, tenggang rasa
Remuk berkeping-keping karakter mulia bangsa.
Saudaraku Presiden Republik Indonesia
Apabila dalam bait-bait pusis saya diatas tadi 
Berulang kali disebut anomali bangsa sendiri
Tapi saya tidka mengumpat atau menyalahkan kesana kesini
Saya merasa sangat malu di dalam hati
Dan serta berdosa
Karena saya ikut mewariskan keruwetan dan kebrantakan ini
Umur saya lebih tua dari umur anda
Saya dulu udah ikut berikhtiar merubah keadaan
Tetapi oleh Tuhan tidak sepenuhnya dilapangkan jalan.
Inilah yang kepada anak-cucu saya sampaikan.
Saudaraku Presiden Republik Indonesia, 
Bukan kepalang beban tanggung-jawab yang anda pikul
Lebih berat dari zaman-zaman sebelumnya
Jauh-jauh-jauh lebih berat
Bersihkanlah yang kotor-kotor dari Pemerintahan anda
Selamatkan anak-anak dan cucu-cucu kita dengan akhlak mulia
Bekerjalah dengan gebrakan yang cepat dan tegas
Sebagai bangsa kita bekerja, bekerja, bekerja
Sebagai bangsa kita berdoa, berdoa, berdoa.

*) dari buku kumpulan puisi Hakim Agung Laica Marzuki, 2008.

Seorang rakyat jelata.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tinker Bell and The Pirate Fairy

Here is, the sixth movie from disney fairy... *drumroll* Tinker Bell and The Pirate Fairy!!!!!

I actually didn't know that it was the sixth movies, i thought it was the third since i only watch the Tinker Bell : The Movie (2008), and Tinker Bell and The Secret of The Wings (2012). So when i know this is the sixth movies, i am craving for the 2nd : TB & The Lost Treasure (2009), 3rd : TB & The Great Fairy Rescue (2010), 4th : Pixie Hollow Games (2011). And for coming soon on 2015 as the 7th movie there will be Legend of The NeverBeast.

I'm still adore and keep amaze about the idea of  some animation movies and the way of the writter expressed their imagination. It just cool you know. By the way i'll tell you the director of this film is Peggy Holmes, and together with John Lasseter, Bobs Gannaway, Jeffrey M. Howard, Lorna Cook, and Craig Gerber, they made the fun story.

I am 23yo and i love this movie, sooo whatttt? I love them all, all the fairy things, also the soundtrack. I do download the soundtrack title "Who I Am" by Natasha Bedingfield. Here i got the tune :) and i love the lyric too..

"Who I Am" - Natasha Bedingfield

I know I can reach the top of the world
be all I am it is so beautiful
if only...
I could be brave and I could be strong
I would know where I belong
if only

I wanna feel free to be who I am
what I'm about is more than I've been
ready to show the world who I am
stop letting out or i won't lean in
and find my own place to stand
I could be who I am
ooooooh yeaaay
and coz in the world I'm meant to be
for trying and oh then I can get there
and not gonna stop coz I believe
that it's so much more... to me yea...

I wanna fell free to be who I am
what I'm about is more than I've been
ready to show the world who I am
stop letting out or I won't lean in
find my own place to stand
so I could be who I am
yeaah yea yeaah yea yea
so I could be who I am
I can be who I am

And oh yes, i'm not gonna tell you the story of this movie, cause i'm not write a review :p I am more instant person, instead of giving you the review, i would glad to show you the trailer :D

This post wouldn't complete without some picture of this movie.. 

Zarina, the dust keeper fairy
Tinker Bell, the tinker fairy
Rosetta, the garden fairy
Iridessa, the light fairy
Silvermist, the water fairy
Fawn, the animal fairy

Vidia, the fast-flying fairy 

Gosh.. i wish i have a fairy, but they're too cute to be true :( Well, enjoy the movie guys :D


Monday, April 7, 2014

Melasti & Tawur Agung sebagai Rangkaian Ritual Hari Raya Nyepi Saka 1936

Melasti sebagai salah satu bagian dari rangkaian ritual menjelang Hari Raya Nyepi bagi umat Hindu, memiliki makna menghilangkan kotoran diri dan jagat raya yang disimbolisasikan dengan labuhan sesaji ke laut serta menyucikan arca, pratima, nyasa, pranlingga sebagai wujud atau sthana Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa dengan segala manifestasi-Nya (Source : PHDI). 

Nah, karena Nyepi tahun inipun aku masih di Yogyakarta, jadi aku mengikuti upacara Melasti yang diadakan di Pantai Parangkusumo (as always) pada hari Jumat, 30 Maret 2014 lalu. Puncak acara di Pantai Parangkusumo dilangsungkan dengan berbagai ritual keagamaan serta pembacaan doa. Ritual diakhiri dengan melabuh berbagai sesaji ke laut selatan. 

Setelah banten/ sesaji didoakan dan beberapa ritual awal dilaksanakan, seluruh umat Hindu yang hadirpun melakukan persembahyangan bersama. Dan seperti biasa, setelah persembahyangan diakhiri dengan nunas tirta seperti pada gambar diatas. Dimana umat diberi air yang sudah disucikan dan menggunakan bija/ beras di kening, dada, dan dimakan.

Ini dia puncak ritual melasti seperti yang sudah dijelaskan diawal, berbagai sesaji dilabuhkan ke pantai. Melasti biasanya menggunakan air sebagai simbolisasi pembersihan, sehingga kegiatan ritual ini berlangsung di pantai, dan juka jauh dari pantai dilakukan di sungai atau mata air yang dapat dijangkau dengan mudah. (Source : PHDI

Dan yang dilakukan oleh umat setelah melabuhkan sesaji adalah membersihkan kaki, tangan, serta muka menggunakan air pantai sebagai simbol membersihkan diri.

Setelah Melasti, ada rangkaian ritual lain yang dilakukan setelahnya, yaitu Tawur Agung Kesanga. Biasanya ritual ini dilakukan pada Tilem (bulan mati) terakhir sebelum Hari Raya Nyepi yang merupakan perayaan Tahun Baru Saka. Ritual ini dilangsungkan dengan tujuan membuat dan memohon kepada Tuhan untuk kesejahteraan alam lingkungan. Untuk perayaan Tawur Agung di Yogyakarta biasanya dilaksanakan di Candi Prambanan.

Ini tenda khusus pejabat, menteri agama hadir juga lho disini.

Setelah selesai persembahyangan

Ritual ini dilaksanakan di Area Wisnu Candi Prambanan

Baracuda adalah nama KMHD (Keluarga Mahasiswa Hindu Dharma) STIE YKPN di Yogyakarta

Menu sarapan sebelum ke Prambanan, Nasi Ayam Betutu by Warung Bu Komang :9

Well, of course i'm not gonna skip the selfie moment in this post, hehehe. All of picture here is taken by the awesome Lenovo S960 or known as Lenovo Vibe X ;)

Here's the before after pic about my hair. I do simply bun for daily templing, and i have a set of jepit bunga jepun in many colors so i can use it adjusting to my kebaya colors. This pic is for Melasti day.

My outfit of the day on Tawur Agung ritual.

Oke, mungkin sudah cukup aku bercerita tentang perayaan Nyepi ku yang ke-8 di Yogyakarta. Glad to having this post :)

Om Santi, Santi, Santi Om

Friday, March 28, 2014

"Do What Makes You Happy" - Alejandro Giraldo

by Alejandro Giraldo

About three days ago, accidentaly i found some of cute arts made by Alejandro Giraldo. Maybe i'm not too understand about art, i just a random person whom adore art it self. And when i see Giraldo's drawings, i just love it. It looks fun with the colorful cartoon and many of them are consist of pattern.

So i decide to know him (and his other artworks) more by googling, then i found his site on . He is an illustrator and Art Director from Medellín - Colombia whom running his own clothing line named Velmos and for this moment he is a freelance in a different projects.

In first impression of his drawings i thought they are young, free, and fun. It also reflected from Giraldo's website favicon that using turquoise anchor and using sailor theme which sailor hat as his web symbol. If you observe more, some of his drawings also about pirates & sailor. But the half side, he also like to draws animals. Yup, definitely some cute animals! 

I also loved one of his personal project, that using "Do What Makes You Happy" as theme project. Here i'll show you some of his drawings and i just love them all. 

Theme Project : Do What Makes You Happy / Left-Right : Go Surfing,  Go Skateboarding, Go Riding, Go Snowboarding / Featured on : Zipper Magazine #13

Theme Project : Fight Your Fears (Part 1) / Left-Right : Forest Fight, Do we Shape people? Or do people shape us? / Featured on : SSE Project (an online gallery from South Korea)

Theme Project : Fight Your Fears (Part 2) / Left-Right : Cock a Doodle Punk, Fight Your Fears / Featured on : SSE Project (an online gallery from South Korea)

Theme Project : Fight Your Fears (Part 3) / Left-Right : Running from the Rain, Sick Raccoon / Featured on : SSE Project (an online gallery from South Korea)

Theme Project : Intergalactic Animals (Self Promotion Project) / Left-Right : Intergalactic Deer, Intergalactic Cat, Intergalactic Fox

Theme Project : Monster Crew / Left-Right : Pirates Band, Skate Crew, Bikers Gang / Featured on : Offcorss, inspired by extreme sports

Theme Project : Patterns (Personal Project)

Theme Project : Strange Animals (as Personal Work) / Left-Right : Strange Frog, Strange Fox, Strange Dog, Strange Cat, Strange Owl
Theme Project : Strange Animals (as Personal Work)
Project : An illustrated book of Bad Arguments for Ali Almossawi

Giraldo also made his self identity in different shade as you can see below.

Alejadro Giraldo's Self Identity

Well, do you agree with me that Giraldo's drawings are cool? :D The last i wanna share to you about him is that i loved not only the drawings but also the message from each picture. How he try to tell us, that you have to recognize who you are, who you want to be, and what you want to do in your life, so just do what makes you happy. Also i learned about fighting my own fear, we are young and there's much hope to brighten your life. So cheer up guys, lets fight together :)

nighty night,